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Video On Demand (VOD) and Television
We currently broadcast 4 channels on cable TV. To find the content you wish to watch, select from one of the following channels below to watch content now, or see what channels they are broadcasted to on your local cable provider in Campbell County.
Staff Produced Content
CCMC is our staff channel. You can view city events, local concerts, sports, and unique programming on this station by checking out channel 202 on Spectrum or channel 810 on Cincinnati Bell.
Government Meetings
CGOV is our Government Channel. All your local city meetings can be viewed on this station by checking out channel 200 on Spectrum or channel 806 on Cincinnati Bell.
OTT (Over The Top) Boxes
You can now watch our content on Apple TV and Roku TV OTT Boxes! Just Search the appropriate app store for 'Campbell Media' and install the free app today! Watch the video below on how to download and use the app.
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 10am-9pm
Tuesday: 10am-9pm
Wednesday: 10am-6pm
Thursday: 10am-9pm
Friday: 10am-9pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Sunday: Closed