About Campbell Media
Campbell Media is a service of the Campbell County Cable Board. The Cable Board was created by an Interlocal Agreement among the Campbell County Fiscal Court and 11 local cities within the County. The member cities are: Highland Heights, Alexandria, Bellevue, Southgate, Wilder, Silver Grove, Melbourne, Crestview, Woodlawn, California, Mentor and Fiscal Court serving the unincorporated county. The Cable Board administers the cable television franchise agreement with Spectrum and Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories. The Board is made up of representatives from the government agencies.
Our goal, at Campbell Media, is to reach out into our community and provide a wide range of media tools and mechanisms while maintaining a direct outlet for community programming through cable channels. Campbell Media is a service of the Campbell County Cable Board.
Campbell County Cable Board
The Campbell County Cable Board is the cable television regulatory authority that administers all cable television franchises. The purpose of the Board is to exercise the powers of the Fiscal Court of Campbell County, and the respective participating governments of the incorporated municipalities therein with respect to cable franchising; cable television regulation; Public, Educational and Governmental access and programming, and all other powers and duties possessed by the Participants, under both federal and state law, pertaining to the regulation, access, and administration of cable television by the Participants, to regulate cable television service and to advise the Participants in the exercise of their franchise authority.

Holiday Closures:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
Thanksgiving Day
The Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 10am-9pm
Tuesday: 10am-9pm
Wednesday: 10am-6pm
Thursday: 10am-9pm
Friday: 10am-9pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Sunday: Closed