Bellevue City: 8/9/23
Bellevue City: 8/9/23
Event Date: 08/09/2023
- Consideration of Minutes of Previous Meeting 7/12/23
- Treasurer's Report
- Mayor's Report
- Administrator Report
- Presentation - Marianne Theater
- Audience Participation
- Unfinished Business\Ordinance 2023-07-01
- Order 2023-07-01
- New Business\Ordinance 2023-08-01
- Ordinacne 2023-08-02
- Order 2023-08-01
- Order 2023-08-02
- Order 2023-08-03
- Order 2023-08-04
- Order 2023-08-05
- Proclamation 2023-08-01
- Proclamation 2023-08-02
- Announcements
Upcoming Air Times
Sorry, no upcoming air times scheduled.